Industrial foundation repair
Abalon has the experience and knowledge to deal with all types of industrial repairs, from foundation repairs in pulp mills, gas plants, petrochemical plants, rail marshalling yards, and mines. We have the expertise you need. Our crews are trained in WHMIS, have worked in confined spaces and are backed with certified first aid training. Abalon can diagnose, quote and execute your industrial foundation issue quickly and professionally.
Abalon is proud of our outstanding safety record. These types of repair demand safe, knowledgeable and skilled work crews. We have the experience of working around containment ponds and complex operation buildings, many of which are unable to shut-down while work is being performed. We accommodate these situations and work schedules.
Abalon has access to thousands of specialized industry products that are specified for a variety of these repairs. Most repairs are designed by engineering consultants. Following engineering designs Abalon ensures that owners can inspect the work while being executed.
Helical piles is another application that is used in industrial installations. Abalon installs helical piles which are usually for foundation support.
We have a gas plant that has a vault which is collecting water. Can this be repaired without shutting down?
Yes, this work can be done without shut down or loss of time.
We have an operations building where the foundation is leaking. This building is only 30 ft. from a train track and the building’s foundation is 14 ft. deep. How can you excavate this without impacting the tracks?
Abalon has the experience working in rail marshalling yards. Our crews would shore the excavation and leave it in place. This work will be hand excavated and the repair designed by a Structural Engineer. Rest assured that Abalon has 100% satisfactory results with repairs completed over a decade ago still in place.
Abalon Foundation Repair – Calgary
Industrial Foundation Repair Services
7032 – 30 Street Calgary, AB
Calgary Industrial Foundation Repair Experts
10 year warranty on all industrial foundation repairs
35 years servicing Calgary & surrounding areas
19+ years Better Business Bureau Accredited Business
Free Industrial Foundation Repair Inspections & Estimates
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Applies to Calgary and surrounding areas.
*does not include Realtors or properties for sale.

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